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Modeling Amoeboidal Cell Motion - Force vs Speed


Seminario del Prof. John Dallon (Brigham Young University, USA) presso l'IAC-CNR, via dei Taurini 19, Roma, lunedi 7 ottobre alle ore 15e30.

Il giorno 7 ottobre 2013, il prof. John Dallon (Department of Mathematics, Brigham Young University, USA), terrà un seminario dal titolo "Modeling Amoeboidal Cell Motion - Force vs Speed"

Abstract: In this talk I will describe two models of amoeboidal cell motion. Both models are force based. One focuses on cell-cell interactions and how an aggregate of cells moves. The other model includes random switching terms and models individual cell motion. The biological implications of both models will be discussed.

John Dallon has been at Brigham Young University since August 1999 and is a Professor. In 2007, he was a visiting associate professor in the Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery at Penn State University College of Medicine. He graduated from the University of Utah receiving his Bachelor of Arts in mathematics in 1989, a Master of Arts in mathematics in 1991 and a Doctor of Philosophy in mathematics in 1996. Before coming to Brigham Young University, Dr. Dallon was a research assistant at the University of Warwick and at Heriot-Watt University.