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Notiziario dei Seminari di Matematica a Roma -- Settimana dall'1 al 7 ottobre 2012


Notiziario dei Seminari di Matematica a Roma -- Settimana dall'1 al 7 ottobre 2012, a cura del DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA, UNIVERSITA' DI ROMA "LA SAPIENZA".Lunedi' 1 ottobre 2012

Lunedi' 1 ottobre 2012

Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Analisi Matematica
Mohameden Ould Ahmedou (Universita' di Giessen)
Critical point at Infinity approach to Liouville equations

We consider critical and supercritical Liouville equations on surfaces
and on domains of R^2 under Dirichlet boundary conditions. Using some
tools of the "critical point theory at Infinity" of A. Bahri, we
derive new existence and multiplicity results. In particular we
provide an Euler-Hopf type criterium for the existence of solutions
in the so called "resonant case" when the involved parameter is a
multiple of 8 pi. Such a criterium can be seen as a generalization of
celebrated the degree formula of C.C.Chen and C.S. Lin.

Martedi' 2 ottobre 2012

Ore 15:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Modellistica differenziale numerica
M. Breuss (Cottbus University))
Numerical methods for hyperbolic differential equationsfor
applications in computer vision

After an introduction on partial differential equations (PDEs),I will
visit some classic and modern problems in computer vision that
areformulated using hyperbolic PDEs. Specifically, these are shape
from shading,the problem of surface normal integration as e.g. in
photometric stereo, and correspondence problems. I will review some
recent results thatshow how numerical methods have influenced the
field over the last years.

Martedi' 2 ottobre 2012

Ore 16:00, Aula D'Antoni, Universita' di Roma II
Seminario di Analisi Complessa
Junjiro Noguchi (Universita' di Tokyo)
Log-singular C^infty-connection for entire curves and related topics

Generalizing Nevanlinna's lemma on logarithmic derivatives in terms of
a connection whose singular part is logarithmic and regular part is
differentiable, we will give a "Second Main Theorem" for entire curves
into a complex projective algebraic manifold. The proof gives the
first geometric proof of H. Cartan's S.M.T. for entire curves in
complex projective space. We wil also discuss a relation of order of
differentiably non-degenerate meromorphic maps from C^n into a compact
n-manifold and its Kaehler condition.

Mercoledi' 3 ottobre 2012

Ore 14:30, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Marco Manetti (Universita' di Roma I)
Koszul brackets and coisotropic deformations of submanifolds

Given a coisotropic submanifold Z of a holomorphic Poisson manifold,
the anchor map of a holomorphic 1-form on Z is a section of the normal
bundle which can interpreted as a tangent vector to the Hilbert scheme
of coisotropic submanifolds. We will show that, if Z is Kaehler, then
this vector is unobstructed. The main ingredients of the proof are the
(explicit) Lie formality theorem for Koszul-Magri brackets and the
description of a convenient differential graded Lie algebra governing
coisotropic deformations. (This is joint work with R. Bandiera.)

Mercoledi' 3 ottobre 2012

Ore 16:00, Aula B
Sylvestre Gallot (Universita' di Grenoble)
Seminario di presentazione del corso di dottorato "Mappe-baricentro e
teoremi di finitezza e compattezza alla Gromov"

Giovedi' 4 ottobre 2012

Ore 14:00, Aula di Consiglio
Seminario P(n): Probemi differenziali non lineari
Mohameden Ould Ahmedou (Universita' di Giessen)
A fourth order Nirenberg type problem on four manifolds

On a four dimensional riemannian manifold the Paneitz-Branson
Q-curvature is a scalar function whose integral is a conformal
invariant of the manifold. It plays an important role in the
understanding of the geometry and topology of four riemannian
manifold. The prescribed Q-curvature problem amounts to solve a
fourth order equation involving exponential nonlinearities. In the
talk we will report on some existence, compactness and multiplicity
results of conformal metrics of prescribed Q-curvature on riemannian
four manifolds.

Giovedi' 4 ottobre 2012

Ore 15:00, Aula 311, Universita' di Roma III
Karen Fuson (Northwestern University)
Multiplication to ratio, proportion, and fractions within the Common
Core State Standards (Mathematics)

Karen Fuson, autrice del fondamentale Children's Counting and Concepts
of Number (1988), illustrera' brevemente i Common Core State Standards
for Mathemtics (i traguardi per la scuola statunitense pubblicati nel
2010) e presentera' un lavoro in collaborazione con Sybilla Beckmann
(Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia).

Venerdi' 5 ottobre 2012

Ore 14:00, Aula H
Seminario di Algebra e Geometria
Vikraman Balaji (Chennai Mathematical Institute)
Holonomy groups of stable bundles and a higher dimensional analogue of
the Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem

We prove an analogue in higher dimensions of the classical
Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem for strongly stable vector bundles of
degree 0 on a smooth projective variety X with a fixed ample line
bundle Theta. As applications, over fields of characteristic zero, we
give a new proof of the main theorem in a recent paper of Balaji and
Kollár and derive an effective version of this theorem; over
uncountable fields of positive characteristics, if G is a simple and
simply connected algebraic group and the characteristic of the field
is bigger than the Coxeter index of G, we prove the existence of
strongly stable principal G-bundles on smooth projective surfaces
whose holonomy group is the whole of G. I will conclude with some
recent results of mine with Kollar on an effective version of the
Flenner restriction theorem for stable bundles coming from these


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