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Modelling, Simulation and Extrapolation in Paediatric Clinical Research: Dose Rationale for Antibiotics and Antiviral Drug Combinations - ERA42B project workshop


From 28 to 29 July the workshop with the contributions of the ERA4TB project partners

ERA4TB (European Accelerator of Tuberculosis Regime) project is a public-private initiative devoted to accelerating the development of new treatment regimens for tuberculosis. 

This workshop will provide an introduction to the use of nonlinear mixed effects modelling as a tool for the evaluation of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in children. Focus will be given to the role of demographic and clinical baseline covariate factors which determine interindividual differences in drug exposure. An overview will be given of the scientific and clinical principles underpinning the use of extrapolation approaches, including allometric scaling.

The event will be held at CNR, Aula Marconi, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, Rome.