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Nonlinear PDEs and Applications


A conference on the occasion of Michiel Bertsch's 65(+2)th birthday

A conference to celebrate the 65th birthday of the mathematician Michiel Bertsch, former director of the institute IAC of the CNR. Three days of workshops, in which Italians and foreign scientists will discuss various applications of non-linear partial differential equations, the main research topic of the guest of honour.

Main sponsors: CNR IAC, Department of Mathematics of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", the Department of Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering and the Department of Mathematics Guido Castelnuovo of the Sapienza University of Rome, GNAMPA - National Group for Mathematical Analysis, Probability and their Applications.

The conference will take place in person (Monday and Tuesday at the CNR and Wednesday at the Mathematics Department of Sapienza) and will also be broadcast on streaming for those who cannot participate live. 

Please register at

Enclosed is the link for the streaming.