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PhD Thesis

PhD Thesis by Maria Grazia Notarangelo 2011-2013. Dottorato MeMoMat, Univ. Sapienza Roma. Topic: Mathematical models of the transportation of anti-tumor DNA vaccines.

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Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Collective Dynamics from Bacteria to Crowds

CISM school presenting the state-of-the-art of the theoretical (statistical mechanics and mathematics) understanding of collective motions of crowds.

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BOOK: Mario G. Salvadori e Mauro Picone. Un sodalizio che attraversa scienza, cultura e società del Novecento.

Pubblicazione edita per i 90 anni del CNR, Edizioni CNR, Roma, 2013. ISBN 9788880801191

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BOOK: Multiscale Modeling of Pedestrian Dynamics

- The book promotes a true interplay among modeling, theory and numerics for a cutting-edge multidisciplinary research topic. - The book offers an accurate review of models of crowd dynamics. - Numerical tests highlight the effects of the interplay between small and large scales on pedestrian dynamics. - The book provides a ready-to-implement pseudo-code version of the multiscale algorithm.

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Comics & Science è un progetto editoriale sviluppato dallo studio Symmaceo Communications per conto di CNR Edizioni, curato da Andrea Plazzi e Roberto Natalini

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BOOK: Complex Systems and Society - Modeling and Simulation

- Contents look ahead to a new approach to modelling and simulation of real-world systems​. - The book introduces models of individual behaviors in the social and economic sciences. - The book examines recently developed modelling approaches using stochastic game theory.

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SvalGlac - Effetti del Cambiamento del Clima sui Ghiacciai delle Isole Svalbard

Il progetto ESF, SvalGlac, e' una delle sei proposte implementate nell'ambito del programma dello European Polar Board denominato PolarCLIMATE. E' un progetto transnazionale finanziato dalle agenzie nazionali per la ricerca polare di 13 paesi europei ed extraeuropei. I principali obiettivi riguardano i seguenti temi generali del programma: i) variabilita' del clima, indicatori del cambiamento (ordini di grandezza, evoluzione), possibilita' di controllo; ii) stato attuale della neve e del ghiaccio nelle regioni polari.

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FP7-NOE - HYCON2: Highly-complex and networked control systems

The project aims at stimulating and establishing a long-term integration in the strategic field of control of complex, large-scale, and networked dynamical systems. It focuses in particular on the domains of ground and aerospace transportation, electrical power networks, process industries, and biological and medical systems.

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MISSION-T2D Multiscale Immune System Simulator for the ONset of Type 2 Diabetes integrating genetic, metabolic and nutritional data

MISSON-T2D is a EU-funded Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP). The IAC-CNR is the coordinating beneficiary.

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